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Play 60 2021
"Supporting Mat-Su Youth"

Youth focused community outreach is our mission. Funding, with exception to the Sea Hawker / Seahawks Alaska Community Outreach, is solely directed at youth needs in the Mat-Su Valley.

Mat-Su Sea Hawkers serves as driving force providing participation assistance, education, and volunteerism.

Our outreach champions community betterment and promotes active lifestyles and easily accessible opportunities for developing youth health, wellness, and leadership skills.

Annual Letter

Greetings, Sea Hawkers; 2022 was a banner year for Alaska. We thrived in membership and building sponsors for “Supporting Youth Health, Wellness, and Leadership Skills through active lifestyles.”


Please know YOU, our members and sponsors, helped us achieve a great year. Meaningful impact examples include:


Mat-Su Sea Hawkers Specific:
- Sponsors hosted Seahawks volunteers Jim Zorn, Steve Largent, KJ Wright, and Blitz for Community Outreach events

- Seahawks visit & donations to Alaska youth patients and elders at Children’s Hospital and Alaska Native Medical Center

- Seahawks visit & donations to veterans and elders at Alaska Native Heritage Center

- Fundraised nearly 60K through memberships, corporate sponsorships, raffles, auction and community events

- Succession planning via relationships built through meaningful community & outreach experiences

- Maintained web and social media presence at and


2022 Youth Specific Donations:                        2022 Community Specific Contributions:


 Alaska Girls Wrestling Camp $250                   Blitz’ Kicks4Kids Shoe Drive $26728

 Colony High School Baseball $250                  The Children’s Place $500

 Colony High School Softball $500                   Children’s Hospital (AK) ($500 + $500 in patient gifts) $1000

 Colony High School Volleyball $250                Get Moving Mat-Su $200

 Glacier Girls Jr. Hockey $250                            Ronald McDonald House x2 (AK) ($500+$1000 patient gifts) $1500

 Hooligan Comp Baseball $200                        Frontiersman/Sea Hawkers SAOTY Scholarships $1000 (x2) $2000

 Houston High School Football $200               KHITZ Food Bank & Special O Mat-Su Event Sponsor $250

 Jr. Avalanche 10UA Hockey $200                    Mat-Su Sertoma Club Polar Plunge $500

 Mat-Su 907 Barrel Racing $250                       Mat-Su Services Youth/Adults $250

 Mat-Su Miners Baseball $300                          Play 60 / Community Events & Outreach $21483

 Mat-Su Seahawks(Pop Warner) $500             Special Olympics Alaska $500

 Mat-Su Tennis Club $500                                  Special Olympics Alaska; Mat-Su $250

 Redington High School Football $250            Special Olympics Alaska Polar Plunge $200

 Valley Thunder Hockey 18U $250                   United Way of Mat-Su $35

 Wasilla Girls Cheerleading $200                     Walk with a Doc Sponsor $200

 Wasilla Wave Swim Team $250

 Wasilla Youth Baseball $250

 Youth Football Kicking Camp Fee $200

Since 2006, we have raised roughly $580K, invested nearly $370K back into youth sports and community related charities and programs, built a scholarship endowed fund of $54K, a community infrastructure non-endowed fund of $119K, and maintain roughly $37K operating reserves.


With my deepest respect and thanks,


Thomas M. Spindler, President

Annual Letter


Annual dues per chapter:

$15.00 for an individual - you will receive 1 membership card.

$25.00 for families (2 adults and children living at the same address) - you will receive membership cards in the mail)

Club Membership fees are due January 1 annually.

Sea Hawkers benefits include:

  • Membership card

  • Access to Spring Highlight Film Banquet and Summer Picnic 

  • Access to Sea Hawker tailgate area before all home Seahawks games

  • Lottery opportunity for on-field (side lines) access during pre game warm up

  • Participation in chapter meetings and events

  • The Seahawks Pro Shop provides exclusive offers to Sea Hawkers Membership cardholders

  • Excalibur Sports in Anchorage provides a 10% discount to current booster club cardholders


These unique offers for our members are not available to general public.

Click on the Mat-Su Sea Hawkers Booster Club Application below: print, fill out and mail to the address at the bottom of the application.




Make a donation here:

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